Helping the next generation fight poverty with education.

Kebaso Foundation is a US 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization registered in the US that strives to inspire, motivate, and educate excelling students to achieve their dreams in academia and eradicate poverty.

Education is the Answer
Two pictures - one with a bunch of kids not in school and the other showing a bunch of adults without jobs.
Two happy boys in a classroom

Why do we want to help underprivileged children go to school?

Kebaso Foundation is helping underprivileged children in Kenya and other parts of the world acquire better education to support their families and break the cycle of poverty. We believe that education is the key to better health, ending poverty, and better economic and political stability for all Kenyans, Africans, and the rest of the world.

Meet the Team

The Kebaso Foundation is here to empower the next generation of global leaders by providing full scholarships and other support services such as proper nutrition, clothing, shelter to all qualifying students in need. With your contribution, you can help one student succeed and change their fate not just for themselves but also for their families and their communities.
Dr. John Nyabera Kebaso
Dr. John Nyabera Kebaso
Founder and Director
Dr. Lenah Boyani Kebaso
Dr. Lenah Boyani Kebaso
Co-Founder and Director
James Kaniaru
James Kaniaru